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"Champagne aficionado" - le Petit Futé

"Its tower stands in the town, the Saint-Andrews red cross illustrates its champagne label : here we are at champagne De Castellane, established in Epernay in 1895. Around 50 000 visitors discover every year this house. They climb the 237 steps of the 9 levels of this classify monument. Built in 1904 by August Marius Toudoire, architect of the Gare de Lyon in Paris, from its 66 metres high, the De Castellane tower offers a unique panorama on the Marne valley and the vineyards around. We found there the museum of the Champagne Tradition , where the different steps of the champagne elaboration are staged, from the vineyard to bottle labeling, the label room, a poster collection. At the end of the visit, a glass of brut is served. Also visit the printing museum".